Peer-reviewed publications:

Boehm, A.B., Silverman, A.I., Schriewer, A. and Goodwin, K., (2019). Systematic review and meta-analysis of decay rates of waterborne mammalian viruses and coliphages in surface waters. Water Research, 164, p.114898.

Hanley, K.T., Wuertz, S., Schriewer, A., Passow, U., Smith, W., Olin, P. and Shapiro, K., (2018). Effects of salinity and transparent exopolymer particles on formation of aquatic aggregates and their association with norovirus. Science of The Total Environment, 643, pp.1514-1521.

Cao, Y., Raith, M.R., Smith, P.D., Griffith, J.F., Weisberg, S.B., Schriewer, A., Sheldon, A., Crompton, C., Amenu, G.G., Gregory, J. and Guzman, J., (2017). Regional Assessment of Human Fecal Contamination in Southern California Coastal Drainages. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(8), p.874.

Goodwin, K.D., Schriewer, A., Jirik, A., Curtis, K. and Crumpacker, A., (2017). Consideration of Natural Sources in a Bacteria TMDL–Lines of Evidence, including Beach Microbial Source Tracking. Environmental Science & Technology.

Odagiri, M., Schriewer, A., Daniels, M.E., Wuertz, S., Smith, W.A., Clasen, T., Schmidt, W.P., Jin, Y., Torondel, B., Misra, P.R. and Panigrahi, P., (2016). Human fecal and pathogen exposure pathways in rural Indian villages and the effect of increased latrine coverage. Water Research, 100, pp.232-244.

Schriewer, A., Odagiri, M., Wuertz, S., Misra, PR., Panigrahi, P., Clasen, T., Jenkins, MW. (2015) Human and Animal Fecal Contamination of Community Water Sources, Stored Drinking Water and Hands in Rural India Measured with Validated Microbial Source Tracking Assays. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, ajtmh.14-0824v1-14-0824

Bambic, D.G., Kildare-Hann, B.J., Rajal, V.B., Sturm, B.S.M., Minton, C.B., Schriewer, A., Wuertz, S. (2015) Spatial and hydrologic variation of Bacteroidales, adenovirus and enterovirus in a semi-arid, wastewater effluent-impacted watershed, Water Research, 75 (15), 83-94.

Odagiri, M., Schriewer, A., Hanley, K., Wuertz, S., Misra, P.R., Panigrahi, P., Jenkins, M.W. (2015) Validation of Bacteroidales quantitative PCR assays targeting human and animal fecal contamination in the public and domestic domains in India, Science of The Total Environment, 502, 462-470.

Kim, M., Gutiérrez Cacciabue, D., Schriewer, A., Rajal, V., Wuertz, S. (2014) Evaluation of detachment methods for the enumeration of Bacteroides fragilis in sediments via propidium monoazide-quantitative PCR, in comparison to Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 117(5), 1513-22.

Schriewer, A., Goodwin, K.D., Sinigalliano, C.D., Cox, A.M., Wanless, D., Bartkowiak, J., Ebentier, D.L., Hanley, K.T., Ervin, J., Deering, L.A., Shanks, O.C., Peed, L.A., Meijer, W.G., Griffith, J.F., Santodomingo, J., Jay, J.A., Holden, P.A. and Wuertz, S. (2013) Performance evaluation of canine-associated Bacteroidales assays in a multi-laboratory comparison study. Water Research 47(18), 6909-6920.

Hilliges, R., Schriewer, A. and Helmreich, B. (2013) A three-stage treatment system for highly polluted urban road runoff. Journal of Environmental Management 128, 306-312.

Layton, B.A., Cao, Y., Ebentier, D.L., Hanley, K., Balleste, E., Brandao, J., Byappanahalli, M., Converse, R., Farnleitner, A.H., Gentry-Shields, J., Gidley, M.L., Gourmelon, M., Lee, C.S., Lee, J., Lozach, S., Madi, T., Meijer, W.G., Noble, R., Peed, L., Reischer, G.H., Rodrigues, R., Rose, J.B., Schriewer, A., Sinigalliano, C., Srinivasan, S., Stewart, J., Van De Werfhorst, L.C., Wang, D., Whitman, R., Wuertz, S., Jay, J., Holden, P.A., Boehm, A.B., Shanks, O. and Griffith, J.F. (2013) Performance of human fecal anaerobe-associated PCR-based assays in a multi-laboratory method evaluation study. Water Research 47(18), 6897-6908.

Sinigalliano, C.D., Ervin, J.S., Van De Werfhorst, L.C., Badgley, B.D., Balleste, E., Bartkowiak, J., Boehm, A.B., Byappanahalli, M., Goodwin, K.D., Gourmelon, M., Griffith, J., Holden, P.A., Jay, J., Layton, B., Lee, C., Lee, J., Meijer, W.G., Noble, R., Raith, M., Ryu, H., Sadowsky, M.J., Schriewer, A., Wang, D., Wanless, D., Whitman, R., Wuertz, S. and Santo Domingo, J.W. (2013) Multi-laboratory evaluations of the performance of Catellicoccus marimammalium PCR assays developed to target gull fecal sources. Water Research 47(18), 6883-6896.

Raith, M.R., Kelty, C.A., Griffith, J.F., Schriewer, A., Wuertz, S., Mieszkin, S., Gourmelon, M., Reischer, G.H., Farnleitner, A.H., Ervin, J.S., Holden, P.A., Ebentier, D.L., Jay, J.A., Wang, D., Boehm, A.B., Aw, T.G., Rose, J.B., Balleste, E., Meijer, W.G., Sivaganesan, M. and Shanks, O.C. (2013) Comparison of PCR and quantitative real-time PCR methods for the characterization of ruminant and cattle fecal pollution sources. Water Research 47(18), 6921-6928.

Ebentier, D.L., Hanley, K.T., Cao, Y., Badgley, B.D., Boehm, A.B., Ervin, J.S., Goodwin, K.D., Gourmelon, M., Griffith, J.F., Holden, P.A., Kelty, C.A., Lozach, S., McGee, C., Peed, L.A., Raith, M., Ryu, H., Sadowsky, M.J., Scott, E.A., Domingo, J.S., Schriewer, A., Sinigalliano, C.D., Shanks, O.C., Van De Werfhorst, L.C., Wang, D., Wuertz, S. and Jay, J.A. (2013) Evaluation of the repeatability and reproducibility of a suite of qPCR-based microbial source tracking methods. Water Research 47(18), 6839-6848.

Oates S.C., Miller M.A., Byrne B.A., Chouicha N., Hardin D., Jessup D., Dominik C., Roug A., Schriewer A., Jang S.S. and Miller W.A. (2012). Epidemiology and potential land-sea transfer of enteric bacterial pathogens from terrestrial to marine species in the Monterey Bay region of California. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 48(3), 654-668.

Schriewer A., Wehlmann A. and Wuertz S. (2011). Improving qPCR Efficiency in Environmental Samples by Selective Removal of Humic Acids with DAX-8. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 85 (1), 16-21.

Schriewer A., Miller W.A., Byrne B.A., Miller M.A., Conrad P.A., Hardin D., Yang H-H, Oates S., Chouicha N., Melli A., Jessup D., Wuertz S. (2010). Bacteroidales as a predictor of pathogens in surface waters of the central California coast. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76(17), 5802 – 5814.

Helmreich B., Hilliges R., Schriewer A., Horn H. (2010). Runoff pollutants of a highly trafficked urban road – Correlation analysis and seasonal influences. Chemosphere (80) 991 – 997.

Shapiro, K., Mazet J.A.K., Schriewer A., Wuertz S., Fritz H., Miller W. A., Largier J., Conrad P.A. (2010) Detection of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts and surrogate microspheres in water using ultrafiltration and capsule filtration. Water Research (44), 893 – 903.

Schriewer A., Horn H., Helmreich B. (2008). Time focused measurements of roof runoff quality. Corrosion Science, (50) 2, 384-391.

Nogai S., Schriewer A., Schmidbaur H. (2003). Reactions of trichlorogermane HGeCl3 and dichlorogallane HGaCl2 with pyridine donors. Dalton Transactions, 3165 – 31.

Book Chapters:

Schriewer A., Athanasiadis K., Helmreich B. (2007): The Role of Colloid Transport in Metal Roof Runoff Treatment. Colloidal Transport in Porous Media. Springer Berlin, 273 – 286. ISBN: 978-3-540-71338-8.

Published Abstracts:

Schriewer, A., Kim, M., Wuertz, S. (2012) Microbial Source Tracking in Coastal Waters. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(1), 344-344.

Odagiri, M., Schriewer, A., Shapiro, K., Miller, W., Wuertz, S. (2012) A Current Understanding of Correlations Between FIB and Pathogens in Coastal Water. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(1), 328-329.

Miller, W., Wuertz, S., Shapiro, K., Schriewer, A., Odagiri, M. (2012) Stakeholder-Driven One Health Research. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(1), 324-324.

Shapiro, K., Silver, M., Largier, J., Mazet, J., Miller, W., Odagiri, M., Schriewer, A. (2012) Pathogen Aggregation: Understanding When, Where, and Why Seafood Contamination Occurs. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(1), 345-345.

Hilliges R., Schriewer A., Horn H., Helmreich B. (2006): Characterisation and treatment of pollutants in urban street and roof runoff. In: Torwards the City Surface of Tomorrow. Publisher: Brunner et al., TU Wien, ISBN: 3-9023338-98-9. S. 79-84.

Publications in German:

Hilliges R., Athanasiadis K., Schriewer A., Helmreich B. (2006): Angepasste Lösungen zur dezentralen Behandlung von Metalldach- und Straßenabläufen. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft 57, ISBN: 3-930400-89-8, S. 15-32.

Schriewer A., Athanasiadis K., Wilderer P.A., Helmreich B. (2005): Eliminationsleistung unterschiedlicher Filtermaterialien zum Rückhalt von Zink aus Metalldachabläufen. Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft – Fachgruppe in der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Bad Mergentheim, ISBN 3-936028-29-X, S. 193-196.

Helmreich B., Hilliges, R., Schriewer A., Athanasiadis K. (2005): Schadstoffe in Niederschlagsabflüssen und deren Bewertung. In: Niederschlagswasserbehandlung in urbanen Gebieten. In: Berichte aus Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft, TU München, Band 185, ISSN 0942-914X. S. 35-48.

Hilliges R., Schriewer A., Helmreich B. (2005): Entfernung von Schadstoffen aus Straßenabflüssen einer stark befahrenen Straße durch ein mehrstufiges Filtersystem. In: Niederschlagswasserbehandlung in urbanen Gebieten. In:  Berichte aus Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft, TU München, Band 185, ISSN 0942-914X. S. 163-183.

Hilliges R., Schriewer A., Wilderer P.A., Helmreich B. (2005): Entwicklung eines neuartigen Behandlungssystems für Straßenabläufe zur Einhaltung der EG-WRRL. 17. Fachtagung Norddeutsche Tagung für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerentwicklung 6.-7.4.05, Lübeck. Hamburger Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft 51,. ISBN: 3-930400-70-7. S. 49-60.

Last updated: 8/29/2019